Presentation of folk singing
Traditionally songs were a way for people to convey stories from place to place and from generation to generation. It was a way of expressing themselves; and a faithful companion during all life’s milestones. The lyrics are the most important part, the melody adapts to it – with the pitch of the voice, with pauses when it is necessary to catch a breath.
In most Slovenian places, including in the Gorenjska region, the most common was three-voice singing, with voices forward (main tune), bass and over (accompanying upper voice). When someone wanted to be a good singer, they sang to “iber” or “tretko” (highest supporting voice).
At Sodar, we prefer three-voice:
Forward – Petra Benedičič, Uroš Benedičič
Across – Karmen Licef, Jan Potocnik
Bass – Andrej Begovic