Village of Bodešče
The village of Bodešče is a friendly and picturesque village above the confluence of two rivers; Sava Bohinjka and Sava Dolinka. It is only 3 kilometers away from the Slovenian pearl of Bled. The village is divided into three parts. On the steep cliff above the Sava Bohinjka is the Church of St. Lenart from the 15th century. In the central part of the village stands the Sodar Homestead, where the central event of the Sounds of Holidays events is. In the past, the village was renowned as agricultural and livestock oriented.
They sowed and processed flax, different grains, and made different baskets from willow branches. The “furman”, who used to ride horse-drawn carriages from the surrounding mountains, were also widely known. In addition to all the hard work, the villagers made time to socialize and have fun. On various occasions, Cvern Ivan and Polda played their harmonics, cheering up the villagers with their tunes and inspiring many to play the accordion, including Markot Albin. The latter conveyed the traditions of playing the instruments and folk singing to us, and we try to present it as authentically as possible at Sodar.
We strive to make it sound like an authentic holiday at Sodar in Bodešče.