Culinary holiday delicacies

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Culinary holiday delicacies

The festive culinary delights in the Gorenjska region were different from the everyday food, which was very simple and modest. The daily menu in Prešeren’s time, among other things, contained buckwheat mash garnished with butter or bacon, as well as sauerkraut or cabbage, as well as beans, stews, potatoes and polenta. All the ingredients used to prepare the dishes were mostly produced on the farm.

Holiday food differed from the everyday meals in the ingredients used, as well as in the way they were prepared. Meat and meat products were always a big part of the holiday meals, wheat flour was used, and various delicacies were baked and fried. In the Gorenjska countryside, pork roast, sausages, white bread made from a bread oven, walnut bread called “potica” and “flancati” were always on the festive table. Holiday dishes, however, varied from holiday to holiday. Delicious food, however, was always accompanied by good drinks and that period.

If you want to pamper yourself and experience the variety of festive cuisine from Prešeren’s time, you are cordially invited to one of our Sounds of Holidays events.